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I relate to this so much! I was asking these same exact questions at the beginning of the summer (I'd also listened to Johann Hari on a couple podcasts lol). I decided to have an "IRL, 80s-style summer" and I've been off social media since June 21, to return after Labor Day. (wrote about it here: https://tinyletter.com/joynetanyathompson/letters/planning-an-irl-1980s-style-summer)

I don't miss Instagram, etc., at all but the lingering questions are the ones you brought up, about the networking aspect, the little boosts for my career (and the hopes for a bigger career one day that might *need* that platform and networking?). Anyway, I feel hopeful because so many of us are asking these questions right now. It definitely feels like a big shift is coming.

Also I highly recommend Julie Falatko's newsletter. She's a picture book author and has been chronicling her own relationship with social media, the internet, and deep work as a creative. I always learn something from her! https://juliefalatko.com/

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